Parenting Tips

5 Tips for Disinfecting & Deodorizing Your Laundry

When it comes to killing germs and odors, regular detergent doesn’t always do the trick. It’s essential to take measures to kill germs that cause COVID-19, the flu, staph/MRSA, and other infectious diseases while attacking lingering odors. For those of us who work out, play sports and have pets and children, this can be especially challenging. Fortunately, we have some tips and tricks that will help you annihilate odors and germs using gym disinfectant spray.

Here are a few ways to uplevel your laundry disinfecting and deodorizing game.

Use a Powerful Gym Disinfectant Spray

Use only an EPA registered, bleach-free disinfectant on your laundry to ensure your household is protected against infectious diseases like COVID-19. Clear Gear is the perfect product for disinfecting and deodorizing your laundry. Since it contains no bleach, ammonia, alcohol or peroxide, it won’t damage or discolor your clothing and footwear.

Pre-Treat Laundry

The best way to disinfect your laundry is to pre-treat it with a bleach-free disinfectant like Clear Gear. Simply spray it on all laundry and footwear, like you would a stain remover, approximately 10 minutes before washing. Clear Gear can be used on anything from clothing, uniforms and shoes to athletic gear, sheets and towels, without causing damage. It destroys odors and germs while also helping remove stains.

Separate Items

Items like sheets, athletic uniforms and workout wear carry more germs than regular clothing. Towels also harbor more germs than most laundry items since they often remain damp after each use. Stop the spread of germs and odors by separating laundry items before washing.

Exercise Caution

Wear a mask and disposable gloves when treating laundry for someone who has an infection or is exposed to one. Disinfect surrounding surfaces and wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap immediately after removing your gloves.

When cleaning and disinfecting laundry, it is important to use high-quality gloves. Nitrile gloves are a great choice as they are resistant to most chemicals, fit well, and don’t tear or puncture easily. Remember to choose gloves that are easy to put on and provide adequate protection against harmful germs and hazardous substances. Nitrile gloves are an essential part of proper laundry hygiene.

Dry Properly

Let your laundry dry completely before folding and putting it away. Even recently washed items can provide a breeding ground for germs and odors if they’re wet.

Target Your Laundry Accessories

Disinfect your laundry basket and hamper, inside and out, whenever you use them to stop germs from lurking.

Click here for information on our powerful gym disinfectant spray that kills 99.9% of germs and odors.



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