
7 Ways to Add Luxury to a Family Home

When we have young children, luxury isn’t exactly our priority when it comes to our home décor. Instead, we try to find ways to make sure that it’s easy to keep clean, to keep it safe for our family, and minimise the amount of effort that we need to put in. We want our homes to be easy to care for, safe and pleasant. When our children are young, we don’t want to spend a lot of money on furniture or pieces that could get broken, and we’re often looking to save money.  

But even when we have kids, it’s important to remember that our homes are for the adult members of the household too. Adding a few more luxurious touches can help you to love your home, feel proud to invite guests around, and feel comfortable and happy in your house. If you want to add a little luxury to your home while keeping it family-friendly, here are some of the things that you might want to consider. 

Upgrade Light Fixtures

Swapping your basic lights for luxurious lighting and giving yourself more lighting options is a great way to add a little glamour to your house. Adding soft lighting options like wall-mounted lanterns, standing lamps and darker fixtures can give you a chance to create a different atmosphere at home.

Change Your Window Treatments

Your window treatments take up a lot of space in your rooms. They are essential for keeping the cold nights out, but they are also a décor choice. Swapping basic curtains for trendy blinds, or heavy textures and quirky patterns is a great way to add some sophistication to your rooms. Even ditching the old-fashioned nets, adding curtain hooks to help let more natural light in and giving your windows a good clean can significantly change the appearance of your rooms. 

Keep Things Light

At some point, you might have opted for dark, moody walls and accessories to make a statement and create a more romantic or dramatic atmosphere. But this can quickly become dull, dated, and tired. Painting your walls lighter colours and adding lighter soft furnishings and rugs can brighten your rooms and make them feel more luxurious. 


Your accessories are easy to switch out for the season and can be an easy way to change your décor. Just make sure anything breakable is kept out of the way of young children. 

Add Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood flooring always looks sophisticated and can be ideal for kids. It’s easy to clean, you can add colour and texture with a rug, and it’ll help small rooms feel larger. 

Keep Things Simple

One of the easiest ways to create more luxury at home is to keep things simple. Lots of clutter, too much furniture and too many prints or patterns can make things feel messy and overwhelming. Make sure you’ve got lots of storage and keep walls plain for simple sophistication. 

Deep Clean

A dirty house will never feel luxurious. Spend some time cleaning things like skirting boards and light fittings which you might not usually think about to brighten your home up and make it feel more glamorous. 

Adding luxury to your home doesn’t have to mean making huge changes, especially when you have children at home. Small touches are a great way to make your home feel more luxurious and help you fall in love with it. 


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