
8 Questions to Ask Your Doctor if You Are Pregnant During the Pandemic

Over the past few weeks, people are become more curious about what protective measures they should take when they are pregnant during the COVID-19 pandemic. The infection by the Novel coronavirus, namely SARS-Cov-2 is now becoming a cause of concern among pregnant women around the globe.

Till now, the Centres For Disease Control And Prevention does not have adequate data to indicate whether or not pregnant patients are at a higher risk of getting infected or not. However, there are published recommendations from certain sources that will advise taking care during the pregnancy, labor, and delivery phases. Besides, there are also guidelines for the reduction of chances of infection during the postpartum period.

Give up worries since navigating the birth process during the COVID-19 outbreak is an effortless task. So, what exactly are the questions that you must ask your doctor if you are pregnant during the pandemic? Come on, we are there to guide you.

1. Do I have a higher chance of getting infected?

The data about infections during the pandemic COVID-19 in pregnant women are limited. But, certain reports from China suggest that if you are otherwise a healthy pregnant woman, there are no such chances of higher complications related to the infection.

Sometimes, some patients might face respiratory illness during the pregnancy but that’s based on just an overall survey. There are certain chances of alterations in the immune system as well as the development of sudden body changes due to the increased rate of respiratory infections. Outcomes that include Intensive Care admission, as well as motility, are worsening for the pregnant woman.

During the SARS epidemic of 2002, there were higher chances of complications even in pregnant women when compared to non-pregnant counterparts. You must take personal advice from your doctor to stay away from serious complications.

2. Is it better to have only a tele-health appointment during my prenatal care?

Most of the patients get the opportunity of visiting their doctors in person for the appointments even if they are not including ultrasound scans. Usually, pregnant women living in suburban areas can drive easily. However, in the metropolitan cities, due to the growing cause of concern, there is a limit on public transportation.

To keep the chances of the spread of infection as low as possible, it’s better to go ahead with the video chat and other telecommunication modes rather than directly visiting the doctor in person. In this regard, tele-health will be becoming a part of the Healthcare system soon.

So, if you want prenatal care, it’s better to talk to your doctor directly. You can take the assistance of the remote monitoring systems for blood pressure, asthma symptoms, glucose control, to name a few.  Then, you can go ahead with the follow-up visits to curb the exposure for the patients who are having a higher risk of contracting COVID-19.

3. Will the hospital keep away my baby if I am tested positive?

This is a very essential question that you must ask your health practitioner. Usually, some hospitals are not isolating the baby from the COVID positive patients.  Instead, they are following the practice of keeping the child in an isolated incubator. They are encouraging breastfeeding even when the mother is positive. However, depending upon the other health conditions, your doctor will give you different suggestions.

4. Should I take other precautionary measures during the pandemic?

Most doctors advise that during the prenatal period you should do everything that will keep you healthy and safe. For that, you must follow the practices like wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining other hygienic practices, and social distancing.

When your baby is born, you must minimize the count of visitors attending your home. But, to keep away several complications related to your pregnancy phase, it’s worth taking the consideration of your doctor. He or she will recognize the underlying health conditions and give you precautionary measures as well.

5. Which place should I consider a safe one for the delivery of my baby?

During the pandemic, home births are becoming a popular topic among doctors and the mass number of pregnant women. Some doctors will suggest that all pregnant women considering a home birth or some other alternative delivery options must ask questions that will help with open communication as well as address the underlying concerns.

When you are considering delivery with the midwife, some doctors suggest asking the midwives about how long they have been in the practice. The midwife must have formal training and certification.

Again, you should take good information about what doctors and hospitals they are partnered with and whether or not there is any backup plan for the hospital delivery. Knowing these things will help avoid complications.

There is a rising number of cases of the COVID-19 and most people are admitted to the hospital. So, the hospital isn’t always safe. There is a higher chance of the spread of the infection. Your doctor will give you better ideas regarding the right place for the delivery.

6. What kind of symptoms will I be experiencing if I’m infected during the pregnancy?

Since most of the COVID positive patients will suffer from severe acute respiratory syndromes, it’s too tough to judge the intensity.

According to the World Health Organisation, around 8% of pregnant women are suffering from serious diseases. But, there are no exact records of the total number of people.

The symptoms one might face during the pregnancy are dry cough, fever, sore throat, diarrhea, and fatigue. You can see the symptoms will typically appear within 2 to 14 days after the infection.

In case you start experiencing any of these symptoms like trouble breathing, persistent pain, or pressure in the chest areas, confusion, bluish face on lips, it’s mandatory to seek the help of your health practitioner immediately.

7. Can the virus pass on to my fetus?

Some studies suggest that there is no detection after a virus in the amniotic fluid of pregnant women. Besides, there are also no such records of the virus in the blood in the umbilical cord of the patient.

COVID-19 spreads through respiratory droplets in the air. Experts have not yet identified any such cases where the COVID-19 just has passed to the fetus again. There is no evidence of the virus in the breast milk of infected patients. But, the reports are not based on strong research.

8. What are the measures that I should take to combat this pandemic while I’m pregnant?

There are certain preparations that you must take during this pandemic.

First of all, you have to stock up a reasonable amount of groceries.

In case you are attempting to become a single mother, it is very essential to limit your access to public places. When you are staying with your family, it’s better to involve your family. They can bring the necessities for you.  You should take the medical necessities in time and stock them up in your home.

Sometimes, over-the-counter medications based on the recommendations of your health practitioner are essential. You must also enroll in the patient’s portal to seek further help. If you are experiencing mild symptoms, it’s not worth visiting the clinic of the doctor.

Do follow the above-mentioned practices to experience all the beautiful phases of pregnancy even during the pandemic.

For more pregnancy related blogs please click here now.


Hi! I, Sakshi Gupta, is an enthusiast Blogger who loves to write informational piece of contents based on extensive research. Also, I focus on providing valuable information to my readers through my blog To connect with me Mail us at [email protected]!

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