
Sobering Up: How to Motivate Yourself Intrinsically?

Just like motivation is the driving force behind all our actions, it is also the primary component in addiction recovery. Without motivation to get better and make healthier choices, we see no reason to stop a destructive habit and keep falling into a bottomless pit. However, when we choose to embrace motivation, it can drive us away from the destruction and chaos surrounding addiction. Meth rehabilitation help us steer towards a clean and sober life.

But, where does the motivation to change come from? Many philosophers, scientists, and theologians have tried to answer the question, only to develop different theories and answers. Despite their conflicting beliefs, it is generally agreed that motivation is an individual’s personal decision and therefore has to come from within. And so, we only get serious about addiction recovery when we realize it plays to our benefit. 

A variety of motivational factors like personal well-being, financial issues, family, or employment status can prompt you to change for the better. However, you are destined to fall short of your sobriety goals without constant motivation and a firm commitment. Therefore, to help you maintain a high level of internal motivation, let’s look at some tips to help you stay clean in the long run.

  1. Do a cost-benefit analysis

The process of addiction recovery is a challenging one that comes with many obstacles along the way. It is essential to understand that you can’t do this alone, and more importantly, you don’t need to. Health professionals like those at Delphi Health Group ensure all patients receive adequate treatment and have a peaceful transition to a sober life. But during early recovery, you may often face temptation. To help avoid it, do a cost-benefit analysis. Take a paper and draw a line right down the middle, dividing it into columns. Use one of the columns to list all the benefits you gain from substance abuse. In the next column, write down all those things that cost you after getting involved with addiction. These can include all you have lost emotionally, financially, socially, and even physically. Once you have all the pros and cons listed down, it is pretty easy to see which column triumphs the other one. It gives you a clearer picture of whether your short-term “benefits” are worth compromising your long-term consequences for.

  1. Connect with the recovery community

Communicating and interacting with those going through the same circumstances as you can help immensely. As humans, we all wish for someone could understand the struggles and choices we make in order to overcome them. No one can appreciate and comprehend your feelings as much as a fellow recovery patient. People in recovery are often willing to share their success stories, and there is nothing more motivating than hearing how they handled hardships and came out stronger. It also shows that success is within reach and, with proper dedication and hard work, there is nothing stopping you from reaching it.

Today, we are more connected than ever before. The advent of technology and the internet has given us numerous opportunities to interact with recovery communities locally and internationally. Several online meetings and chat sessions encourage people in recovery to stay connected and participate. Although it may seem futile at first, connecting with others will keep you motivated over the long haul.

  1. Remember your reasons to get sober

Before committing to the recovery process, you must understand your reasons for getting sober. Addiction is a disease that can’t be ignored like many others. But unlike most diseases, addiction doesn’t just affect you as a patient but also your family and loved ones. It hurts them as much as it hurts you, and thus when times get challenging, you must remember why you decided to seek treatment. Although different people have different reasons that motivate them to get sober, some points that can help you stay motivated are by remembering that:

  • substance abuse can hurt your family
  • recreational use can quickly get out of hand and lead to addiction
  • you may have to face legal consequences
  • feeding your addiction can put heavy financial constraints
  1. Set achievable goals

Another great strategy to stay motivated is to set goals you can achieve. It helps create a list of short-term and long-term goals that can keep pushing you to stay sober. By setting targets and having something to look forward to, you can track your progress and accomplishments. You must ensure your targets are measurable to determine how close you are to achieving them. Set S.M.A.R.T. goals to ensure they meet the following criteria:

S – Specific

M – Measurable

A – Achievable

R – Relevant

T – Time-bound

  1. Reward yourself

Addiction recovery is a process, not a one-stop event, and therefore you must treat it as such. Over time, you’ll have to face several ups and downs, and with every bit of accomplishment, you must recognize it. Treat yourself now and then by getting a massage or splurging on a five-course meal. Ensure timely rewards that keep you motivated in achieving goals.


Finding motivation requires you to maintain efforts when it’s so much easier to give up. It is a personal feeling, so motivators that work for you might not work for others. Regardless of your reasons to stay sober, it would help to recognize what factors push you to get better, reaffirming your commitment to sobriety.


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