Parenting Tips

Is one child enough to complete a family?

Is one child enough to complete a family? Planning for children and nurturing their future is surely a tough task and requires a lot of analysis too. Most parents’ think that raising one child is easier as a better-controlled environment can be provided to a single child easily. It also reduces some responsibility when compared having more than one child with prior to financial and mental status too. Moreover, it’s a serious dilemma between couples and relatives which requires serious discussions and interaction with others. The decision about having another child is even harder than having the first one. Although a few top parenting tips can withhold their management capabilities. Lots of question arises like “do we need another child?” or “can we afford another child?” and many more discussions. However, there are a few factors to consider before having a second child.

Factors to consider before having a second child

  • Time to care both the kids: – The most important factor to be considered before having a second child is time. If you aren’t able to manage your regular timings from your busy schedule to take care of your single kid and want a baby sitter then you can’t probably manage to give time to second child. Lacking the required time for baby care probably means that you can’t handle another child in your family. No matter, how experienced your baby sitter is, the proper care comes only from a mother. You should be able to manage the timings throughout your life and career to look out after both of your children.
  • Financial status: – When it comes to parenting children, mainly toddlers, you should be financially strong enough to provide the best care with required nutrients, minerals and vitamins to raise a healthy child. This also involves paying for medical expenses required for frequent checkups, healthy food, and supplements for better health and many more. All these expenses surely require an inch of the amount which completely relies on the monthly budget management plan. If you are unable to keep up with the budget management lacking balance between savings and expenses then having a second child will surely worsen your situation from every aspect. Although having pre-planned financial management between couples can help to some sort, but the plan should be ensured perfect without any kinds of possible obstacles or huddles.
  • The health of the mother: – Giving birth to a child surely leaves some marks on the body of the mother that may be stretch marks or obesity too. Having such effects can lead to severe consequences if not taken proper care within a few days. Thus make sure that you are ready for the next delivery as it may worsen your situation too. there are many other personal differences that occur after delivery of a child and it takes a long time to completely recover from it. Some critical situation also may arrive such as loss of the excess amount of blood and required nutrients of the body that is not good for the second child. One must consult a doctor and go through certain checkups before deciding to have another child. The doctor suggests that a gap of 2 to 3 years after the first child is merely good but it totally depends upon the health as well as the mental status of the mother.
  • Planning for long term investments: – The care for children doesn’t stop with caring the toddlers with required supplements and medical care. It extends throughout the life starting from the school fees, to further higher education, etc and in the meanwhile necessary medical expenses and many more. Therefore one must have a perfect long term investment planning before planning for a child. If you are a middle class person who can hardly make some savings from the monthly income, then this factor is surely more meaningful before any other parenting tips for children. If you are unable to manage your annual budget plans with your family and one child before, then it will become too hard to go with the care of the second child too. There are few rare cases when parents can’t take care of their child and give up as being a parent, they surely find out a way to raise a child in a better way. However, this needs a lot of compromises in their way of living and also lots of sacrifices in their dreams and passions in order to sustain the responsibility of both the children on their shoulders.
  • Necessary expenses and fulfilling the needs of children: – Besides providing the required needs of children such as basic needs and medical care, there are a lot other expenses that you must get ready for. This includes outer expenses such as toys, vacations, school fees, etc which is also equally necessary for any child. All those needs require some additional expense too which will be harder for a middle-class person and thus all the monthly savings get used without any further future plans. Getting ready for a child also means that you must get ready for any future wanting and needs of your child. Having insurance plans and fixed deposits separately for your children can help you to some extent.

All those factors are essential for any family planning for having a second child. If you are lacking any of these, then one child is quite enough to complete your family. This will also enhance the required necessary care for your child to fullest and also help in making future plans perfectly. The need for using the monthly savings will also reduce which means you will have no need of compromise with your dreams as much as you would have with the second child in your family. You can focus on your child properly taking necessary steps and decisions with fewer efforts and ensure a better future with compassion. This is the best option for employees as they can’t manage to care for their children besides their busy schedules and working hours. But, in case you are having any further plans, all those mentioned factors are must to go through before deciding to have another child in your family.


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