Parenting Tips

Types of Parenting Styles and How Kids Are Affected

Parenting styles refer to constructs used to describe the different strategies parents tend to utilize when raising children. The aspect of these styles is that they encompass parents’ behaviors and attitudes while also influencing the emotional environment in which they raise their children.

The four primary parenting styles in child psychology are authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved. The important point to note here is that each parenting style has unique characteristics and methods. These parenting styles impact Child development in various ways depending on parental child-rearing practices.

Parenting Practices Are Different from Parenting Styles

parenting styles
Parenting Practices

Parenting styles refer to parents’ overall approach and emotional climate with their children. Parenting practices, referred to as parenting methods, techniques, or child-rearing practices, consider the specific actions and behaviors that parents follow while raising their children.

Parenting styles are based on understanding the parent-child relationship, whereas parenting practices refer to the distinct strategies used to implement that framework.

A parent who believes in setting boundaries and fostering independence adopts an authoritative parenting style by utilizing practices such as allowing the child to make age-appropriate decisions under certain limitations.

Parents who prioritize warmth and nurturing look for a more permissive style and ensure the involvement of techniques like offering comfort and support without enforcing strict rules. A combination of parenting styles and practices shapes the overall environment for raising a child.

Discussing the Different Parenting Styles

parenting styles

  1. Authoritarian Parenting

In Authoritarian parenting styles, high parental demands for obedience, low warmth, and minimal affection are involved. Authoritarian parents are strict and rigid and make sure they use hostile control or punishment to maintain child compliance and obedience. In this case, what happens is that Parents typically do not explain rules or decisions. 

Also, an important aspect of this parenting style is that the parents do not discuss with the child. Families practicing an authoritarian parenting style always prioritize that their children obey rules and behave. Authoritarian parents are unwilling to provide explanations or rationale for their decisions. These parents believe that their previous generations or cultural experiences are the best in terms of the parenting approach. These parents are commonly referred to as disciplinarians.

  1. Authoritative Parenting

This kind of parenting style includes high parental demand along with responsiveness. This is the type of parenting where they provide a warm environment while setting firm limits and boundaries. This kind of parent-child relationship is democratic, and parents listen to their children’s viewpoints when explaining decisions. The best part of this style is that this relationship encourages children’s independence.

This bonding is good when the Parents understand and are sensitive to the fact that their children have independent ideas and judgments. These parents are always willing to listen to their children’s concerns and disagreements and provide reasoning and guidance for decisions and expectations.

  1. Permissive Parenting

The characteristic of these parents is that they practice high parental responsiveness and low demandingness. Permissive parents are supportive and attuned to their children’s emotional needs; however, they usually face problems with setting boundaries and expectations. These parents typically place their child’s emotional needs and happiness above everything else. These parents usually wish to avoid disappointing their children.

  1. Uninvolved Parenting

This parenting style includes both low demandingness and responsiveness, and this kind of parent does not provide expectations or support regarding children’s emotions or needs. It is also referred to as neglectful parenting. Also, this kind of parents set no expectations for social or academic behaviors. Uninvolved parents prove themselves quite dismissive, uninterested in, or ignore the child. Often, it happens that a parent may have to work long hours or also have to do numerous shifts to provide for the family.

Effects of Parenting Styles on the Children 

parenting styles

Parenting styles affect child development differently, shaping emotional well-being, child behavior, and social skills. Authoritative approaches have positive outcomes, including increased self-esteem, better academic performance, and improved social skills.

On the contrary, it is worth noting that the remaining parenting styles contribute to long-lasting impacts, including higher levels of anxiety, increased risk-taking behaviors as well and lower academic achievement. It’s of vital importance to take into consideration the effects of parenting styles on child development, helping parents make informed decisions about the approach to raising their children.

Final Words

Dedication and commitment make you the best parent you can be to maintain a positive relationship with your child. Besides, it also makes it easier to establish your authority in a healthy manner. What happens with a proper parenting style is that it becomes easier for the child to reap the benefits of the parenting style.

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