
Acne Treatment: 7 Effective Remedies You Can Find In Your Own Kitchen

Acne, breakout, zit, pimples — whatever you call it, their presence can make you feel frustrated. The presence of acne remedies in the market is proof that people hate having them and are willing to spend just to get that clear skin. 

There are trusted professionals offering acne treatment in Toronto. With their help, you can undergo different procedures and use different products to clear your skin of impurities that cause breakouts. Their help is more valuable if you notice that you get zits more often, if they are big and swollen and do not go away easily, or if you are an adult who only experienced major breakouts now.

Some cases of pimples do not require professional intervention right away. In fact, some are due to hormonal changes such as when women experience pre-menstrual syndrome. Often, you can leave them and they will dry out naturally. Sometimes, you can also use some remedies lying in your kitchen cupboards. These include the following:

  • Turmeric

Turmeric is one of nature’s miracle ingredients. It is used for multiple skin problems because of its antibacterial properties. The anti-inflammatory properties can also help get rid of inflammation and redness. Mix it with milk to create a paste and apply it to the affected area for faster results. 

  • Grape 

The last thing that would come to mind when discussing kitchen acne remedies are grapes, but these juicy and refreshing snacks might just be what you need right now. It contains resveratrol which is seen to exhibit bacterial activity against pimple-causing bacteria, specifically the Cutibacterium acnes

Use grapes as a facial cleanser to help clear the skin. Cut it into two or three and rub the flesh over your face and neck. Make sure to rinse with cool water after. 

  • Cucumber 

Cucumber has been used for different skin products for the longest time. Slices of this vegetable are put on the eyes to reduce the puffiness. The essence is also often used in cleansers, toners, and soaps. 

Different studies suggest that cucumber has a soothing effect on the skin, has anti-irritation and swelling properties, and also eases pain. These are believed to help relieve the skin of inflammation, especially those associated with acne. 

There are different ways to use cucumber to clear the skin of zits. You can create a face mask by creating a paste and blending it with a cup of oatmeal. You can also create a face pack by mashing a cucumber, straining the water, and adding a tablespoon of sugar. For both preparations, leaving it on for the skin for 10 to 30 minutes before washing can help reduce the swelling. 

  • Honey

Known as the food that never spoils, honey is a valuable ingredient to have at home. It is known for its many healing properties. People have used this to relieve cough and sore throat. These healing properties can address acne breakouts.

Several studies suggest that honey has antibacterial properties that can promote healing in wounds and burns. These properties are also deemed helpful in curbing the growth of C. acnes. It can be used as a face mask to rid the skin of pimple-causing bacteria. 

  • Apple cider vinegar

Another miracle ingredient you have lying around the kitchen is apple cider vinegar. Most people use it for weight loss but it is also considered for fighting skin problems. 

It is believed to help fight bacteria and viruses. Just mix one-third part of apple cider vinegar with water and apply to the skin. Leave for a few minutes before washing off. 

  • Green tea

Green tea is an antioxidant. Several studies proved that it has photoprotective and photocarcinogenic potentials. It can be used orally and topically to help reduce UV-induced inflammation. Just apply the green tea leaves to the area and enjoy its benefits. 

  • Baking soda

Is there anything that baking soda can’t do? It is an all-around cleaner, air purifier, and food ingredient rolled into one. It is also getting a positive reputation for controlling acne breakouts and inflammation because of its antiseptic properties. You can either use it as a face powder or mix it with lemon or yogurt and apply it as a face mask. 

There are different materials around the house that can help clear the skin of pimples. They are convenient and inexpensive remedies that should help with minor skin problems. However, if the issue still persists, seeking acne treatment in Guelph should be the best step to take. Skin professionals will conduct necessary tests to delve into the causes of your problem and prescribe treatments that should address them.


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