Best And Smart Parenting Tips To Deal With Your Special Child

Parenting is quite a tough job with the inevitable responsibility of nourishing the child for a brighter future but thing becomes toughest when it comes to special kids. Being a parent of a special child have its own challenges needing even more patience, compromises in own life and lots of care with the sacrifices too. However, things can turn quite easier if you follow some tricky but effective parenting tips for the special gifted child. However, being a part of your parental life this parenting tips will eventually become a regular practice for sure and will feel a lot easier to get habituated to them.
Be realistic and practical in expectations
The first and foremost thing that makes the situation even worse when it comes to a gifted child is the over expectation of the parents and the competitive motive. There are several areas where your child can show his excellence other than studies. Being a parent, you should be always satisfied with the exceptional abilities of the child and thus should never be depressed or punish your children for the lack of excellence in the area that you wish to be. If it is the best choice to compromise your dreams for your child’s well being then you could surely go for it but never try to limit their skills or discourage them from many aspects. Of all parenting tips hacks, this is the best way to make a positive connection with your child.
Enhance the intellectual motive
Gifted children are often slow to grasp the lessons which can be accomplished by other classmates without even putting any kind of efforts in it. This leads to an underachieving mindset in such children and thus they never go for better grades and always stay dull in studies due to lacks of a perfect challenging situation in classes. This is the worst kind of situation in childhood and thus you should provide a challenge that makes them frustrated and equally motivated to work hard on their abilities to overcome such challenges. Intellectual and meaningful challenges can be set up in both out and inside the school by talking to the teacher who often accepts such children in their own terms.
Avoid over-scheduling your gifted child
Over schedule is quite a different term than providing challenges or obstacles. Exposure to several skills and activities which can enhance the potential, talent, and passion in a child is a healthy competitive motive but forcing them to do such works and put more efforts on it is quite stressful to their minds. The best way, in this case, is to provide freedom as well as the opportunity to such gifted children to choose the activities as per their own interest. Don’t always judge their choices in free time and provide their own time in any curricular activities.
Provide freedom and opportunity for creative expression
It is proved many times by several renowned psychologists that the gifted children are creative in many areas and also can acquire excellence in their interesting activities too. Arts and vivid imagination are some of those skills which may lead to quite brighter result in future. Try to get the drawing articles such as paints and sketches and engage them in fun activities every time. Take some tips on parenting to acknowledge the interested activities of your child from other parents or specialists to help you in your efforts of nurturing your child for a bright future.
Appreciate and give a compliment for their efforts
The best way to nurture the abilities of your child is to encourage and appreciate their efforts they are putting on the activities that they are interested in. Gifted children often crave for recognition from the person whose opinions matters the most to them. Try to be aware of the activities and the time of efforts that your child is putting on it. Positive feedback or encouragement can make them confident to a great extent. Acknowledge the interest and the passion of your child where the talent can be shown up.
Teach the prioritization of schedules
Besides encouraging your child to put their full efforts on their interesting activities and passion, you should also make them priorities a prefixed schedule to go through. Such specially gifted children are often unaware of prioritizing the tasks based on individual importance. This leads to overstressed and busy mind which may lead to hypertension in the nearby future too. Like every other child, they also need some downtime or processing time to rejuvenate their stamina and make their mindset ready for some important tasks further.
Try to sharpen social skills
Gifted children often find a corner place themselves in social relationships. Their personality often strains them to involve in any kind of socializing matters and they take more time than a common child to start talking to a new person. Such qualities can be seen more in talking with opposite genders too. Teach your child to listen to others and try to make your child meet with a new person everyday letting him or her have a conversation in their own style.
Don’t pass judgments or depreciation their way of talking in the middle of their interaction but do acknowledge the flaws in their way of talking and behavioral and try to nurture these qualities with increasing positive attitude and open-mindedness. Most gifted students are often judgmental and get into others conversation creating inconvenience in others interaction. Teach them to be in control even if they know more than the other two persons and talk only when there is a right time.
Detect the flaws and provide a necessary solution in a positive way
If you find your child weak in any field of activity then instead of passing negative judgments try to find the alternative or favorable solution for such flaws. The same follows for other matters too such as behavior or manner of your child with consistent trials to bring them in your preferred route that has more chance of success.
Be equally friendly and teachable
The best way to teach anything to your child is to explain them in a friendly manner. A kind and patient explanation can be perfect for such students to grab every matter that is important for the future. Any matter that is said in a polite manner remains in mind for a long time when compared to a lesson explained by a teacher out of fear.