
Clodent Neem Dental Paste: Makes Your Teeth Stronger, White and Shiny

Smile wide and feel fresh!

Neem consists of antibacterial agents that prevent bacteria from sticking to the teeth which further turns into a plaque. These antibacterial properties also help prevent as well as reverse gingivitis, it stops both the puss and blood that occurs due to serious gingival infection. Neem minimizes the volume of bacteria, prevents cavities, and also eliminates bad breath in the mouth. As per the study by the researchers, it is believed that the traditional method, neem twigs were used for dental care by the Indian villagers to avoid tooth loss and cavities. 

One should always read the information mentioned in the labels carefully when buying neem toothpaste. Several manufacturers merely add neem in the toothpaste which has loads of loads of fluoride and harsh chemicals. However, these toothpastes are not bad but are also not the ones you are looking for especially when you are finding a natural product. It is advisable to purchase the neem toothpaste from reputable and manufacturers dealers only.

Clodent Neem Dental Cream has all the natural properties which are required in an ayurvedic toothpaste for oral care and dental care. This neem toothpaste consists of potent antioxidant properties, that make the gums healthy and strong. It also fights against gingivitis as well as manages the symptoms of periodontitis. It also helps in tightening the loose tissue.

The main ingredients used in Clodent Neem Dental Cream are Neem, Pilu, Durgandh Khair, Kattha, Moulsiri, Anar, Tumburoo, Babool, Triphala, Vayvidang, Nirgundi, Ajmoda, Vaikranta Bhashma. It is advisable to use this herbal toothpaste twice or thrice in a day, with a soft toothbrush. It is always advisable to use this ayurvedic tooth once consulted and directed by your trusted physician.

Here is a list of benefits of Clodent Neem Dental Cream which you should definitely know

Fights Cavities: Clodent Neem Dental Cream works effectively on the cavities which are the common problem faced by many and prevent from tooth decaying as well as chipping of the teeth.

Reduces inflammation of the gums: The other common problem seen is bleeding gums and inflammation and this herbal toothpaste works effectively and shows its results from day one.

Strengthen teeth and gums: This ayurvedic toothpaste has natural extracts of neem which helps to give strength to your teeth and gums. Moreover, it also provides relief from this herbal toothpaste also helps to give relief from any kind of dental pain caused due to the cavity.

Removes Plaque: Many people look for the dental product which can fight against plaque. The natural ingredients and herbs used in the Clodent Neem Dental Cream remove plaque and tartar. Additionally, its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties keep you away from the dental problems by making your teeth stronger and shiny.

Breath Fresh: After you brush your teeth with this neem toothpaste, your mouth will feel fresh and can your breath be refreshing like never before along with a long-lasting effect.

To make your teeth healthy, white, and strong purchase Clodent Neem Dental Cream. Also, browse through our wide range of ayurvedic products and recommend it your friends and families


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