
How long do white dental crowns last?

The dental crowns prove effective in restoring the prior glory of your tooth structure. The white crowns specifically aim to deliver aesthetically pleasing ones for naturally perfect smiles. The all-porcelain, ceramic and zirconia crowns constitute the white dental crowns. The white crowns are more popular than the stainless steel crowns, as the latter gives off a dark metallic colour different from the enamel of other teeth in the oral cavity. 

The white crown tooth aids the broken, chipped and fractured tooth from crumbling down when subjected to any sort of pressure. These are coupled with metal to enhance stronghold  and durability of the given white crowns for teeth. But their cost is higher than the SSC and costs about $800-$3500. The white crowns last for 5-7 years. And if taken care of they last for a decade. Here are some features of the white dental crowns.

Properties of White Dental Crowns

  • Porcelain crowns look no different than the natural tooth. These are quite expensive than the SSC but cannot compete with its strength. Even then, these are extensively applied with a word of caution to not subject it to tooth clenching force. After the development of cracks or discoloration, these crowns may be replaced with a newer one.
  • Ceramic crowns closely resemble the real tooth but develop fissure on hard chewing actions.
  • Zirconia crowns are part metallic in nature for enhanced crown strength and imparts solidity to the afflicted tooth.

The white crown costs according to the tooth chosen to be crowned, and the type of crown material chosen from the above alternatives. Usually, the front tooth is apt for these white crowns and as for teeth cost they have higher numerical value than the basal fillings and stainless steel crowns.

The white crowns manufactured for both children and adults alike suit the peculiar tooth shapes and sizes for seating them appropriately. The problem is determined which is usually tooth decay, caries and diagnosed with the removal of the decay eaten portion of the tooth. If this is a small portion, a dental filling is carried out. If the tooth is severely affected, the tooth layers are removed and capped with these white crowns to complete the set of missing tooth.

The procedure of crowning is conducted with the numbing of the oral section and isolation of the same with a rubber dam. The patient takes some time to get comfortable with the tooth crown after the effect of local anaesthesia wears off and the oral care later determines the time duration of these crowns serving their purpose.


After the white crown installation, follow up is necessary even when there is no maladjustment in the crown seated area. Occasional visit to the dentist is a healthy practice to avoid tooth related troubles that go unnoticed with the help of a mirror. The white crowns blend with the natural teeth so perfectly that it becomes challenging tonspot the odd one out amongst them. The dental crowns are artificial tooth seated to save the vulnerable tooth from perishing further.


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