
How to Boost Your Child’s Math Skills

Mathematics is one of the most basic and fundamental areas of our lives. We begin to understand math skills and describe shapes and spaces around us using mathematics before we even learn how to sit.

As we all use mathematical intelligence from the first moment we open our eyes to this world, the way we train and improve our maths skills becomes significantly effective on the quality of our lives. That’s why understanding the importance of maths and discovering ways to improve math skills, from elementary school math tournaments to math camps,  becomes more important, especially for parents to support their kids’ future success.

Why Is Maths So Important For Kids & Students?

Learning maths is similar to building a pyramid: you need a good foundation to build the perfect shape. Mathematics is not just about complicated algorithms and calculations. In fact, many people find math problems difficult or complex because they don’t receive proper mathematics education during their childhood, and miss out on the opportunity to build a strong base.

A lack of maths knowledge can even affect cognitive development in other areas of life. It’s been proven that children who have a strong mathematics education can make better sense of life and establish cause-and-effect relationships with greater ease.

The fact that these crucial life skills directly increase in proportion to one’s mathematical skills makes it clear that developing math skills in early childhood will have a direct effect on one’s future success.

This means parents have a big role to play when it comes to their child’s mathematical — and future — potential.

How To Improve Child’s Maths Skills

When children don’t develop any mathematical skills while they’re young, it becomes increasingly difficult to learn advanced concepts later on. Also, parents can observe whether the kid has math learning disability (Dyscalculia) so they can learn how to support the child before school. That’s why a student’s education begins at home, and even when they start going to school, parents have a huge impact on their after-school activities.

This means parents play a big role in their children’s mathematical success.

Here are some tips for parents that will help them support the improvement of their child’s maths skills:

First, understand how children learn

Children need a stimulating learning environment in which they can play and practice new concepts. At this point, they need their parents or teachers to mentor them. Their brains are ready to learn but they need lots of guidance.


As mentioned before, children start learning maths the moment they start exploring the world. Infants will compare the shapes and sizes of objects, recognise differences in quantities, and use early maths concepts in their daily lives. Maths skills help children develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which have a direct effect on their future academic and career success.

How To Develop Maths Skills In Children

Most children who start school experience difficulty in maths because they did not complete the above-mentioned processes with the right guidance. Falling behind their peers can be stressful for both the child and their parents. But it’s not too late — each child is still able to learn and develop their maths skills.

At this point, it is very important for parents to determine their child’s existing level of maths in order to identify the gaps and find the right maths resources for children (e.g math games). Once this is done, their child will be able to keep up in school without losing their motivation or self-confidence.

1- Stay in touch with your kid’s math teacher

Kids spend most of their time at school. This means teachers are a great source of feedback and guidance. You should be open and honest, and talk to your kid’s math teacher so you can cooperate and help your kid overcome their maths problems without any issues.

2- Use technology in a beneficial way

Children love technology. Don’t be the kind of parent that bans technology in the house. Instead, let them test out their curiosity and use technology in a beneficial way. You can encourage them to find cool maths games for children, math problems or math riddles for kids on the internet.

3- Turn maths problems for kids into play

Don’t let children memorise the solution to any maths problems. Encourage them to think and use their reasoning skills to find the answers. You can even create stories behind the maths problems to foster deeper engagement with your child — and turn challenging math problems into a creative form of play.

4- Discover the power of the real world maths

As mentioned earlier, math problems is present everywhere in our lives. You can turn real-life experiences into math exercises for kids. When you are shopping, you can discuss prices and amounts, and help your child improve their mathematical thinking. You can bake together to practice numbers, measurements, shapes and time-keeping.

5- Understand your kid’s uniqueness

Comparing your child with their peers can be very harmful. Every child has their own needs and ways of learning. Don’t panic — instead, try and focus on finding the right way to help your kid. It’s neither your nor your kid’s fault if they need more guidance in certain areas. Don’t be judgemental because your child can be extremely talented in other subjects. Encourage your kid not to only aim for successful grades, but also to be happy, friendly and creative.




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