
How to Get a Pet Passport to Travel with Your Pet?

There are many people who would wish to travel with their pet when ever they plan to go out.  But due to hectic schedule and increased responsibilities they fail to do so.  Your pet would be in a stressful situation if they would have to lie in the house regularly therefore to make them more energetic it is important to take them for some trips. There are many pet friendly places and restaurants where you can enjoy your day to its fullest. You can check online that which all restaurants will be helpful for you to take your pet safely and roam around and explore new places.

There will be a long list of places that you would wish that you could travel with your pet and you can also ask your family and friends to suggest you with some places where you can enjoy your vacation. To book the tickets for pet there are different formalities that is to be done. If you have planned to travel with your pet in the foreign countries then it would be mandatory for your pet to get the passport. 

These are the following ways through which you can easily get passport for your pet.

Research the requirements

There would be different requirements for different places to visit due to which the passport requirements would also vary. The pet would need to require to fulfill the requirements of two places which are destination country and the country in which you are currently residing.  You can check the requirements online and make the arrangement according to it and after which you would have to consult with the country’s embassy website which will tell the further procedure that is to be completed.

Some of the airlines in which you are going to travel may have strict rules and regulations so you would also have to check their requirement as well and make the arrangement according to it so that no problem would occur while travelling with the pet to the foreign country. Most of the airlines would ask for the health certificate of the pet before 10 days of travel due to which you would have to arrange the same so that you can make the travelling more easy and enjoyable.

Consulting vet

Before travelling with the pet it is mandatory that you consult the vet of the city and take the health certificate of the pet from him. Most of the airlines in which you will travel will ask for the health certificate of the pet therefore it will be better if you submit it before hand. You can ask your vet that what all precautions that has to be taken while taking your pet to a new place.

After knowing about the present health condition of the pet you can start feeding them food according to that. Before visiting some of the places it would be mandatory for the pets to take vaccines and you would have to do that with the help of your vet.

Travel certificate by USDA

In some cases you would also have to get travel certificate by USDA  so that there will be no travel constraints for your pet while travelling. You would have to contact USDA to get the travel certificate otherwise it might be difficult for your pet to move to a different country. Therefore to avoid such situations it would be better if you take the certificate prior.

Coming back

After visiting the new place if you have planned to return back to your country then you would have to check through the import requirements of the pets. There will be different rules for different species of your animal and you would have to inquire about it in your country. There would be much more difficulty that would have to be faced in case of getting a passport for your pet but it in the end when you will be allowed to take your pet along with you then you will be more happy regarding it.

Things to remember while travelling with your pet:

  1. Good diet
  2. Proper hydration
  3. Consulting vet
  4. Packing important things
  5. Seek professional help
  6. Ask advice

With the above mentioned points it will be helpful for you to travel with your pet outside the country and you can easily get the passport of your pet. The duration in getting the passport for your pet might take longer time but if you have a fruitful end to it then you can surely make efforts for it. There are different airlines which would charge different amount for various destinations due to which you can choose the airline of your choice so that you can travel with your pet in the comfortable way.


Hi! I, Sakshi Gupta, is an enthusiast Blogger who loves to write informational piece of contents based on extensive research. Also, I focus on providing valuable information to my readers through my blog To connect with me Mail us at [email protected]!

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