Parenting TipsFamilyHealth

How To Identify Hyperactivity in Your Children & Treatments?

It is necessary to differentiate between hyperactivity and an active personality. You might consider many children and adults active, even overactive, but many of these individuals do not have any issue calming down or settling in when they must. For active people, sitting still is a minor inconvenience but manageable.

When someone is hyperactive, they cannot calm down; it is not a choice to them. Hyperactive children tend to fidget, talk, play, run, and shout even when it is distracting or inappropriate to the situation. The constant fidgeting and inability to settle are prime examples of hyperactive children, but at what point does hyperactivity merit medication, and how do you know when your child is hyperactive and not just active?

Defining Hyperactivity

Hyperactivity has to do with the consistency of behavior. A child normally has moments of acting out, getting over-excited, or pushing boundaries; all of this is normal. However, if your children or children always seem active, if they are constantly interrupting in energetic ways regardless of the setting or circumstance, they might be hyperactive.

It is challenging to diagnose hyperactiveness in children because kids are naturally excitable. If you believe your child is consistently more energetic than natural, consider taking them to a doctor for testing. If your child only experiences mild moments of uncontrollable energy, especially in places that require decorum, consider using a natural supplement like Brillia children’s calming tablets to help stabilize their mood.

Learning About the Causes

People often assume that hyperactivity is a behavioral problem, that somehow bad parenting or a lack of discipline led to the diagnosis; that is simply not true. To understand hyperactivity, you need to understand how the brain develops.

In the early stages of adolescence, particularly between four and six, children will learn to acknowledge social cues. The cues help them understand how they need to behave at specific times. However, children develop at different rates, meaning that your child might not recognize the social norms until after other kids in their age group.

Past the age of six, most children begin to recognize and manage their emotions and actions; they can interact without disrupting the common discourse. After these early stages of social development, many parents note how their children might differ from others, especially if they are hyperactive.

You must remember that hyperactivity is not a choice for your child. Their brain is developing differently than their peer group. They are not trying to be disobedient or disruptive. When a child reaches a point of diagnosis, the condition is likely only manageable through medications.

Alternative Treatments for Active Children

You will need a doctor to diagnose hyperactivity, but sometimes lifestyle choices can influence your child’s behavior. For example, good levels of sleep time for children mixed in with appropriate play times can help burn excess energy. Children should have a minimum of one hour of exercise or physical activity per day.

Only 5% of children are diagnosed with a hyperactivity disorder, meaning the odds your child is hyperactive are slim. However, if they are active at inappropriate times, you can look into OTC medications and supplements that can help curb behavior but talk to your doctor first.


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