Should you help your child with homework?
“Do parents need to help their children with homework?” this is a common question many parents ask themselves or others when their children’s homework becomes too challenging to handle. The reality is that while homework may be a necessary evil, some parents unintentionally contribute to its growth by setting expectations that exceed what is realistic or appropriate. Research shows that kids generally do best in an organized, controlled environment where they can fully control the amount of time and attention they want to give to each assignment. Still, often they do it at home. So what to do when your child approaches you asking “Can you please help me do my homework“? Let’s see the pros and cons of possible help below.
Why should parents help their children with homework? There are several different answers to this question depending on which perspective you look at it from.
1) Reducing anxiety.
One of the main reasons for parents’ involvement is it helps ease stress and anxiety when the children are facing obstacles with certain subjects or skills.
2) Improving academic performance.
Many parents have prior experience and expertise with various subject matters and life situations to help further increase the relevant experience of children. It can ease consuming the knowledge and make a child more successful.
3) Develop time management and problem-solving.
Another reason why parents should seek greater input is to ensure the developmentally appropriate time spent on each assignment is met. By using a checklist to identify what needs to be completed, parents can ensure the appropriate time is being spent on each activity and teach their children to control and plan.
1) Less motivation to study.
How much help is needed? Kids benefit the most from parental input. Still, will the child be as interested in homework at all? Or your help will be the only condition why the homework is done? Check if your child really doesn’t understand the assignment or just wants you to attend more time with them.
2) Lack of self-sufficiency skills.
As every parent want to see their child as a great part of social life, they should make effort to grow such a personality. If your child forgets to do something, you shouldn’t help right away or do assignments instead of them. Just ask what he or she plans to do with it. It will help them to take responsibility of own actions.
As we see, the science of growing kids is subtle. And our aim is to grow a good person with an understanding of what is appropriate in society and willing to improve the world around.
The best thing you can do as a parent is to create a routine for your child and make sure they have all things necessary. Communicate with the teacher to track the progress, ask a child about how learning makes them feel. It’s your choice to help or not, but consider our tips above and don’t do homework instead of a child. Just help and support.