EducationFamilyParenting Tips

Teach Your Children to Stand Up Against Bullying

Children who struggle with confidence or even the ones who exhibit a passive style in social interactions are the ones usually vulnerable to bullying. Parents can play an active role in helping them through it, and here’s how.

1. Stay Connected with the child


Bullies make their victims feel alone and powerless. That being said, this can be easily controlled as Children reclaim their power when they maintain connections with faithful friends and supportive adults.

2. Create Awareness

Often, it happens that adults fail to acknowledge the seriousness of a situation, and it’s where things go downhill. Bullies use relational aggression to inflict violence in socially acceptable ways. You can manage this to a huge extent by making your child aware that bullying is not a cowardly act but rather a bold, powerful move.

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3. Redefining Tattling

Isolation serves as the bully’s method of intimidation. A bully clearly realizes that he will not be able to keep a victim isolated for long, and that’s when he or she immediately begins to lose power.

4. Act Quickly

The stronger the hold of a bully, the longer he or she has power over a victim; bullying begins in a mild form, including activities like name-calling, teasing, or minor physical aggression. When a victim chooses not to stand up for his or her rights, the aggression worsens, so what you need to do as a parent is to see to it that your child is taking action against the bully, which sets the best way to gain and retain power.

5. Body Language to Reinforce Words


Training the child in the skills of assertive communication proves to be quite helpful in reinforcing words. The child should learn to employ simple, non-verbal, assertive strategies for managing the actions of the bully. It is recommended to maintain eye contact, keep your voice calm and even, and it is also essential to stand an appropriate distance from the bully. One of the best-recommended strategies is to Use the bully’s name when speaking to him.

6. Respond Assertively

A bully always looks for the opportunity to gather power and pick on a victim. So what’s going to happen eventually is that without a response, he will do it more. Kids who are good with assertiveness are comfortable in the middle of aggressive comebacks.

7. Utilization of Simple, Unemotional Language

Once you have trained the child to be Assertive, you can rest assured that the kid will use simple, unemotional, direct language, keeping the bullies informed and knowing that they do not intend to be victimized. Now, there’s a reason to teach your child to use “unemotional” responses.

The reason behind this is that indications that a person can be emotionally impacted make the bully easily gather power. Encouraging your child to respond without anger or fear is a good move because the child will learn to portray confidence.

8. Talk to Kid About Friendship

Often, it’s good to let the child know when he or she needs to change who he or she’s spending time with. Why this is recommended is for the reason that the change of peer group builds his or her confidence and teaches how real friends make one feel.

9. Reach Out to the School


When a child is at the beginning of the elementary years, social skills keep rapidly developing, and that is the point of life where the nature of friendships changes quickly. The interactions lay the groundwork for the future years, so it’s essential for them to be positive and to build confidence and self-esteem in this formative phase of development.

However, the issue is that parent coaching does not seem influential enough, and that is when it is worth reaching out to the school support staff. Addressing the school and community culture helps to a great extent. Make sure that you reach out to the school also to have a better look at the social and emotional curriculum they provide.

Final Words

To stand up against constant bullying, it’s necessary to provide children with the right support and guidance from adults. This makes it easier to build skills to gain confidence, figure out tough phases, speak up, protect himself or herself, and socially succeed.

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