
The 5 Best Places to Set Up a Home Office

Many businesses have maintained remote or hybrid operations long after the Covid-19 lockdowns came to an end. There are certainly many benefits to working from home, but it leaves people having to find motivation and a suitable workspace. If you’ve got a spare room, you’re sorted, but what about when space is a little tight? Throughout this article, we’ll discuss the five best places to set up a home office. 

The Spare Room

We start in the spare room because it’s a no-brainer. The majority of spare rooms don’t see much traffic, which is why they’re perfect for moving in a desk and the rest of your equipment. You can still use the room for visitors but be sure to set clear boundaries for them to vacate during office hours. Alternatively, you can temporarily set up in a quiet corner of the house. 

What About a Garage Conversion?

According to Zoopla, the number of planning applications for Garage conversions increased by around 25.3% in 2020. This jump aligns itself perfectly with successive lockdowns during the pandemic and people have excess cash because everything was closed. Depending on specifications, the average garage conversion costs between £5000 and £10,000, leaving it perfect for those with available assets. 

Create a Nook

If you don’t have the available funds to have Garage Conversions West Yorkshire build your office space, consider creating a nook in a quiet corner of your home. You may need to get creative if you’ve limited space – here are some popular choices:

  • Behind a sofa. All you need is enough room for a desk and chair, which can often be found by shifting a sofa forward. However, you will need to set boundaries with your family for quiet times. 
  • Under the stairs. If you can squeeze in under the stairs, put your desk and equipment there and you can shut off from the rest of the house. 
  • Low kitchen counters. If you have a lower kitchen counter, you can set up your office here. 

In a Common Area

If you’re struggling to find a dedicated space, you may have to set up your office in common living areas. However, you should note that this won’t be the most productive position because there are too many possible distractions including the TV. Further, you will have to contend with family members using the room.

Use Your Bedroom

As a last resort, you can set your office up in the bedroom. However, you should keep in mind that you’re likely to blur the lines between working and relaxing, which can lead to overworking or becoming unproductive. If you are using your bedroom, make an effort to get dressed for work and avoid slouching on your bed. 

To get the most out of remote working, your office needs to be placed in an empty room. However, the use of common living areas is often unavoidable, in which case, remember to set boundaries with family and stick to a schedule.


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