
These Color Blocked Wall Painting Ideas Will Give Your Room A Great Makeover

Painted murals and ‘color blocking’ have made a comeback and become a popular phenomena in the interior decor world. They’re simple but effective ideas that convert walls into pieces of art. Not just that, these designs are super easy to execute and affordable as they don’t require too many tools. With some painters tape and precise brushstrokes, you can get inspired to paint your own masterpiece with these inventive ideas for color-blocked walls. The asian paints shade card will help you choose which colors to go with.

Color-blocked wall ideas add a lot of individuality but usually just take a few hours and simple painting skills to complete. Because you’re just painting a part of the wall, this low-cost activity is also an excellent way to utilize any paint that might be left over from previous times. In case you need to buy a fresh can of paint, you can check out the aisian paints price of 20 ltr can right here. Painting on your own is super fun because even if something goes wrong, you can paint right over it. Here are a few simple ideas that you can carry out all by yourself. 

Arched Color Blocked Walls

To add subtle depth to your walls, use two slightly different hues of the same shade during this method. Demarcate and use painter’s tape and start painting the arches first, while filling them in later. Painted arches form an Art Deco-style scalloped motif which will leave you room looking subtle but classy. This particular color-blocked pattern grabs attention without becoming overbearing. Make a compass out of a pin, piece of cardboard, and a pencil to guide your design for smooth curves.

Use A Two Tone Design 

For a more vintage look with some old school charm, try the two tone line color blocking method. You may get the effect of wainscoting or other molding by dividing a wall into two different blocks of color. Using contrasting hues, such as black and white, use the two-tone approach to give the idea of extra architecture. For consistency, align the color transition with normal picture-rail length or with a window or door frame.

Go For A 3 Color Approach

Color Blocking with two colors or shades is common. If you want to take this a step further, try incorporating a 3 shade color blocked pattern in your room. Try with three or more different paint colors to make color-blocked walls pop immediately. Keep the two-tone walls as you normally would and add a darker or bolder hue as an accent in the places you want to bring attention to. The two main wall colors will give a sense of balance and stability while a third strip of color lends visual appeal and contrast. The use of light, medium, and dark blues creates a stunning monochromatic effect.

Create A Cozy Color Blocked Nook

While color blocking is normally done all over the room, you can use color blocking in various ways and places. Color blocking usually ends up highlighting certain portions of the room and this can be used to create a cozy nook for reading or tea time right there in your room. Extend your color-blocked wall treatment to the ceiling for this effect or simply just paint the area you want this nook in. The high-contrast paint job will give a feeling of separation from the rest of the space when set against white walls.

Color blocking can be used in so many ways and so many places around the house that it has quickly become one of the most popular themes of this year. With these fun ideas, you can go ahead and start your DIY wall painting project. 


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