Parenting Tips

Understanding Pedestrian and Road Safety for Children

Children are at increased risk of being killed or seriously injured on the roads. In 2009, 4,000 children were killed or seriously injured in road traffic crashes. This is equivalent to one child every two hours and 30 minutes.

Pedestrian accidents can be a serious concern for parents. Children are known to be some of the most vulnerable road users, as they have a narrow view of the world and often do not understand the dangers surrounding them. It is important to teach children about pedestrian safety from an early age so that they can become responsible pedestrians later on in life.

The Dangers of Pedestrian Accidents in Children

Children are more likely to be killed in traffic accidents than any other age group, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. If a child is hit by a car, the chances that he or she will die are much higher than if an adult were hit.

Children may be more likely to be struck by vehicles because they are smaller and lighter than adults, often run closer to the road, and have less experience walking in traffic.

In addition to the physical damage that can be caused by being hit by a car, there are also serious long-term effects that can affect your child’s overall health.

To help prevent pedestrian injuries and deaths, teach your child how to walk safely around cars, bicycles, and other hazards on the road.

The Statistics

Pedestrian accidents are the leading cause of death for children ages 1-4 and 5-14. The most common type of pedestrian accident is a fall, which accounts for 40% of all pedestrian deaths. Other causes include car crashes (21%), bicycle accidents (11%), and pedestrian suicides (3%).

The following statistics show how often people between the ages of 5 and 44 die from a pedestrian accident:

Older adults are more likely to be struck by cars than younger adults. For example, those 65 and older were hit by cars at least once every 2.6 years on average, while those 35-44 were hit just once every 3.2 years on average.

In 2012 there were over 100,000 fatalities associated with motor vehicle crashes in the United States alone! A large number of these deaths are due to drunk driving, speeding, or failing to obey traffic laws. Pedestrians also account for thousands of deaths each year due to failure to yield right-of-way or other violations of traffic laws.

Pedestrian Safety Tips

As a parent, you want to make sure that your child is safe on the roads and sidewalks. Unfortunately, accidents can happen to anyone at any time. It pays to be prepared. If you are involved in a pedestrian accident, it is important that you seek out legal representation immediately. A los angeles pedestrian accident attorney can help you determine if you were at fault, as well as protect your rights during the investigation process. A personal injury lawyer may also be able to help with medical bills, lost wages, and other financial issues related to the accident.

Pedestrian safety tips are important for everyone, but they are especially important for children.

Teach Kids How to Walk Safely

Here are some tips for teaching kids how to walk safely:

  • Cross only at intersections, marked crosswalks and intersections with traffic lights. Never try to cross an intersection at any other time, especially when vehicles are turning or driving past.
  • Talk to them about crossing the street safely. When they’re walking across the street, ask them if they see cars or people coming and what they will do if a car approaches.
  • Talk to them about crossing the street safely. When they’re walking across the street, ask them if they see cars or people coming and what they will do if a car approaches.
  • Educate them not to cross streets without looking both ways first. If you see cars approaching in either direction, tell them they must stop at the intersection until they are safe enough to proceed through it safely alone without hitting your child or anyone else who may be crossing at the same time.
  • Make sure they know how far away cars are before they start crossing streets — especially when there is no sidewalk nearby (which often happens). This will help them avoid accidents with cars or pedestrians who might not see them very clearly due to their size.
  • Children under the age of 5 should always be walked or carried by an adult. They cannot control their own balance and will fall if left unattended. Remember that children are not yet ready to be on their own. Their brains and bodies are not fully developed, so they don’t have the same judgment as adults when it comes to walking and riding bicycles.
  • Do not loiter near intersections; this includes stopping by the side of the road waiting for someone else to move first (e.g., another car). If you must wait for another car to pass before proceeding, make sure that the area around

Teach Them To Take Action Against Distraction

Children are often distracted by the world around them. They are curious, they explore and they want to know what is happening. It’s important to teach children how to take action against distraction so they can stay safe on the road.

Learn more about the importance of teaching children how to take action against distraction:

  • Teach them what is distracting them, like a speaker or phone call on the other side of the room.
  • Teach them that if they see something that looks like danger, such as an obstacle in their path or someone who looks like they might bump into them, then stop walking and wait for help.
  • Make sure your kids understand that drivers are required by law to keep both hands on the wheel at all times, so they can’t text or talk on a phone when they’re behind the wheel.
  • Don’t let them use electronics while driving! You know the drill: no phones or talking allowed while they’re behind the wheel. If they want to use their phone, make sure they stop once you’ve pulled into your parking space or driveway so that you can put away their cell phone safely.

Let Your Actions Speak as Loudly as Your Words

It’s important to be a good role model. Children learn by watching what their parents do. If you’re constantly texting while walking, your child may think it’s okay to text while walking, too.

Be serious about road safety for children. Set a good example by putting your phone, headphones and devices down when walking around cars. Kids learn from their parents and other adults in their life, but even more so from their parents. By setting a good example, you can encourage them to become better people.






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