
Why An Annual Physical After 40 Years Of Age Is Good?

The more you age, the more your body becomes susceptible to disease. When you are young and vibrant, your body can easily fight several infections; that’s why you never need to go to the doctor. But when you are in your 40s and over, you need regular physical check-ups. If you can’t stand hospitals like most people, you need to get an annual check-up. Below, you will find some of the reasons why you need to get an annual physical after you get to 40 years of age. It doesn’t mean you’re old, but you aren’t young either.

How Often Should You Get Physicals Done?

Initially, adults over the age of 18 years old only needed to get a physical done once per year. But the American Medical Association recently advised for at least 3 – 5 years. From the age 18 -40 after that, the situation is a bit different. For those who are 40 years and above, though physicals shouldn’t be common, they need to do it at least annually. If that isn’t possible, you need to ensure one is done at least every three years.

Reasons for the Periodic Health Exam

A periodic health exam is more or less the term used to describe physicals. And there are several reasons why doctors advocate for it, especially for people over the age of 40. Many should consider personalised testing for health, while others will be fine with an annual physical that should include:


The primary need for annual physicals; has got to be prevention. Here, update your medical data to get advice on eating, exercising the body, and other physical ideas. You can also get the right vaccines against various health conditions.

Identify Risk Factors

It can be stopped when the risk is noted earlier on about chronic illness. For example, if your weight is a potential risk to your health, you will get the right advice to handle it.

Detect Diseases That Have No Symptoms

Some illnesses have no symptoms, and some can be fatal if not detected early. With the physical, the doctors will act upon the illness at the right time with the right resources.

Update Clinical Data Since the Last Check-up

At times your life can be saved due to the clinical data stored. When you have the data stored, even when in the hospital, they can get an updated check on the data, which can be a great move.

Enhance the relationship between you and the doctor

The doctor-patient relationship shouldn’t always be a formal affair. When they are friendly, they become even more enjoyable. Another thing is that the doctor can spot an issue when you have built a relationship with them.

You are also likely to open up to the doctors when you have a great relationship with them.


Annual physicals should be a priority for anyone who is in their 40s. Your body won’t fight off infections also; you easily as when you are young. You also need to start creating a relationship with your doctor and update your medical data every year. All the above will work well to ensure you are in the right health state.


Hi! I, Sakshi Gupta, is an enthusiast Blogger who loves to write informational piece of contents based on extensive research. Also, I focus on providing valuable information to my readers through my blog To connect with me Mail us at [email protected]!

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