Baby & ToddlerEducation

Why Self-Portrait drawing is an Essential Part of Kids’ Artistic Expression

Self-portrait drawing is one of the prevalent drawing activities engaged in by many kids. Growing up, I remember drawing a self-portrait as a school visual art assignment and I really enjoyed it. Frankly, drawing a self-portrait can be beneficial for kids in some ways beyond testing their art skills. Drawing is a way for them to communicate emotionally and to express themselves creatively. Drawing games improve their intellectual growth and their concentration because the tactile element grabs their attention.  Self-portraits are actually a key part of learning and personal development, so provide the paper, pencils and the chance for kids to express themselves

Self- portrait drawing is a practice that enables kids to deepen their imaginative and creative power as well as clarify the relationship they have with themselves. Since the 15th century; artists, most especially the famous ones, are known to use self-portrait as a tool of expression. However, the drawing of self-portraits isn’t limited to the artists. Below, we will explore why self-portrait is an important aspect of kids’ artistic expression.

Artistic freedom. 

Kids can attain artistic freedom when they engage in drawing self-portrait anyway that they want.  With the liberty to express themselves using their imagination, kids can experiment with whatever materials or resources available to them to create their portrait and try out any style in the process.

Also, in the process of drawing, kids can be more expressive. They might not always express themselves using utterances, words and actions, so drawing is avenue to unleash this essential form of communication through images. This provides an insight into your kids’ thoughts and feelings and being able to express what they feel improves their emotional intelligence. All the emotions hidden inside are let out to enjoy expression on the drawing pad.

Enhances Kids motor skills

Self-portrait is an opportunity to sharpen kids’ motor skills. Little kids start from a small scribble to a masterpiece that can be used as a decoration. Drawing enhances their fine motor skills from a young age because when they start early, it aids their hand and eye coordination as well as the fine-tuning of their finger muscles while engaging in the activity.

Aid their imaginative capability

Drawing Self-portrait enables kids’ imagination to become more active and run wild while engaging in the fun activity. Each time they draw, their imagination is creatively enhanced and helps the physical representations of what is in their mind at that moment.

Develop kids’ problem solving skills

When kids engage in self-portrait drawing, they are faced with myriad decisions to be made.  It may be the thoughts on their features and how to outline it to capture themselves, what color to be used or how to connect one part of the body to another to create a masterpiece.  All these questions and many others are to be solved to come up with great solutions to achieve their aim.

To help kids consider their aspirations for the future

Self-portrait drawing is essential to encourage kids not just to think about who they are but who they want to become as they think about the future. It enables kids to think about their future aspirations, their career goals, and who they want to be later in life. By creating a self-portrait, they learn who they are, how to present themselves and what matters to them and their future. To make it more interesting, they can draw themselves in a specific environment, in a situation, in a particular profession or doing a peculiar activity of their choice. By doing so, kids have the opportunity to express their uniqueness and get a glimpse into what it is like to be an achiever in their world.

Self-awareness and self-esteem booster

Self-portrait drawing for kids enables their self-awareness and to keep abreast of their features as they look in the mirror and learn about what makes them unique from everyone. They can study their face, eyes, nose, mouth, jaw and every part of their body. Apart from the aforementioned, they can develop their observational, expressive, and reflective skills and have a positive relationship with who they are which an awesome tool for molding a positive mindset is. Self-portrait is a bold declaration of their intimate identity as kids offer themselves as the subject of drawing and the artist.  It is about self-identity, perception of self as they tap into their emotions. It shows how kids see or view themselves as they look deeper through observation.

This is an enjoyable activity with an experience that helps to focus on positivity which gives a sense of accomplishment when creating something new and unique. This translates into self-esteem and boosts confidence to continue in the process and master the art.

It is a fun way learn

Without any iota of doubt, it is clear-cut that self-portrait drawing can be fun and beneficial as an essential part of expression for all kids, no matter what their artistic abilities and preferences may be. There is a lot to explore as they experiment with materials, styles, and various artistic resources to create a masterpiece. Kids can attest that art never gets boring or goes out of style.

It can be agreed to be one of the best creative outlets for kids of all ages to participate or be involved in as they develop self-confidence.  As they create something for themselves, they do not have to worry about what others may think or how they will respond to the piece created.

The bottom rule is that kids are creative as they give no thought to their actions but allow their imagination to guide them and draw whatever comes to mind when engaged in the activity. These drawings, sometimes are filled with diverse meaning and other times, they create simple images that aid their development, imagination capability and curiosity about what happens in the world.



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