
Why Teen Drivers Are More Likely to Cause Car Accidents

Have you ever been involved in a car accident? If you were a teen driver, the chances are that it was because you were not paying attention.

Teen drivers are more likely to cause car accidents than adults, but the reasons are not always clear. They may have more risk-taking tendencies or less driving experience. In most countries around the world, teenagers are the ones most likely to be involved in car accidents. The relationship between teen drivers and car accidents is surprisingly strong. In fact, new research conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows that teenage car accident rates are higher in states with more stringent graduated driver’s license (GDL) laws.

The Statistics

Based on reports from an accident lawyer firm newport beach, 17-year-olds are four times more likely to be involved in a fatal car crash than drivers aged 21 or older. There are also reports that 16-year-olds have the highest rate of involvement in traffic crashes involving alcohol use.

It’s not just teens that are at higher risk for vehicular crashes; all drivers under the age of 25 are statistically more likely to be involved in an accident than those over 25.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) also agrees that young drivers, ages 16 to 20, cause about half of all fatal crashes, and nearly one-third of all traffic injuries nationwide. In addition, young drivers are three times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash.

The Behavior

Teen drivers are more likely to cause car accidents than other drivers. Behavior is the biggest reason for this. Teen drivers often drive recklessly, which leads to more car crashes. As a teen, you may not be aware of the risks involved with driving and may not realize how much danger you may be in if you get in an accident.

The behavior of teens who get into auto accidents can be attributed to many factors, including inexperience, lack of knowledge or experience, and lack of judgment. In addition, teens tend to be less mature than older adults when it comes to driving. Teenagers also tend to drive faster than older adults when they’re behind the wheel and have less experience behind the wheel than adults do. This means that they have less sense of their own limitations as drivers, so they’ll push themselves harder and make more risky decisions while driving than older adults would do if they were in their place.

In a recent study, researchers at the University of Utah found that teen drivers were less likely than adults to adjust their speed when changing lanes or turning. This could make them less aware of other cars and pedestrians in the area.

Teenagers also tend to drive faster than adults do, which can increase their risk of a crash. Another factor is that they tend to drink and drive, said Lem Garcia, a car accident lawyer from a reputable accident lawyer firm newport beach. “The combination of being young and inexperienced with driving may predispose them toward more risky behavior,”

What Can Parents Do?

The first step to preventing teen drivers from causing car accidents is to stop blaming them. That’s right, the fault lies not with the teens who are behind the wheel, but with us. We parents and educators have failed our children. We have given them no learning opportunities outside of school, and we’ve failed to prepare them for adulthood. Instead, we’ve taught them that they can be successful by doing as little as possible and being quick to blame others for their mistakes.

In addition to blaming others for their actions, teens are also more likely than adults to make poor choices based on emotion rather than logic. This is especially true in an emergency situation when the pressure is on because someone else is driving — like when you’re driving home late at night after a party or meeting with friends in a parking lot after school.

Parents can take a number of steps to help their teens stay safe on the road with these tips:

  • Educate them with traffic laws. The most important thing that parents can do is to teach their children the rules of the road. This includes age-appropriate driver education and how to drive safely and responsibly. Learn about traffic laws and safety practices that apply in different areas of town, including how fast it is safe to pass another vehicle on the street or what constitutes passing too closely on highways.
  • Give them driving lessons or have them practice at home. Your teen may need to get a learner’s permit before they can get behind the wheel of a car, but this step is important for both safety and independence. Many states have laws that require drivers to be in a supervised learning environment with an adult until they are 16 years of age. The parent is responsible for making sure the child attends a class or program that meets state requirements.
  • Set clear rules for your teen’s driving privileges. Make sure they understand that cellphones and other electronic devices must be turned off in cars, even when it’s just you two in the vehicle.
  • Set a good example. Help your teen develop a good work ethic by helping them set goals and earn rewards as they work toward becoming safer drivers. Be sure to have fun with your child, but make sure you’re also setting good examples of responsible behavior when you’re out together in public places.
  • Defensive driving. Make sure teens understand what constitutes safe behavior behind the wheel. One example is teaching their teens about the dangers of distracted driving, including text messaging and other distractions.


There are plenty of reasons that teens are more prone to car accidents, but the biggest ones are inexperience and lack of caution. As a teen, you may think you’ve got the world figured out—you’ve already been driving for a few years, and nothing bad has come of it. But the truth is that you’re still learning how to drive, and there are many dangers that you may not have considered.

Of course, most of these issues are avoidable with adequate parental supervision and responsibility. But even then, if your child is going to be driving on their own in the near future, there’s no harm in sounding the alarm. Driving is one of the most dangerous activities you can involve yourself in as a teenager, so it’s vital to be prepared.


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