
Young Singers Benefit from Fair Comparisons

There are many ways to develop one’s singing: 

(a) try to sound like one’s favourite artists, 

(b) listen to singing lessons on free platforms such as on YouTube, 

(c) pay for “canned” singing lessons, 

(d) pay for individual singing lessons.

Furthermore, (d) is not necessarily better than (a)-(c). If, for example, one’s range is very close to one’s favourite artists and one has naturally healthy ways a singer has to reduce vocal tension, one may make some good progress. Also, singing teaching is not a regulated profession – it is possible for anyone to declare that they are “singing teachers”.

The best way to progress, however, is through teens working individually singing teachers who are well trained and qualified to teach. These teachers have recognised performance and teaching backgrounds and are able to connect their wide knowledge to the student’s own goals.  But how can these teachers be found?

 The Right Personal Teachers

Singing teachers will have descriptions of their work online. Here are a few areas to watch out for:

o Only performers? Though it is a great quality to have a teacher who performs, you will want a singing teacher who is deeply aware of learning challenges faced by different singers. Effective teachers are aware of  the many ways that different singing genres can be taught effectively. 

o Only teachers? Singing teachers who never perform can lose a sense of how to best handle ego, fears, and other challenges all singers want to overcome. Teachers who also perform will be able to help their students move past anxiety and share their voice with others.

o Only singing secrets?  Some singing teachers treat the subject as full of secrets and special techniques that only they know about. However the truth is that there is consensus between good singing teachers, speech language therapists and otolaryngologists on the qualities of healthy singing.

o Only alone?  Some singing teachers are simply not receiving continuing development on both their signing and their teachers.  The best teachers – in any field – engage in continual professional development.

When you look at descriptions of a teacher’s work, you’ll immediately gain a sense if they are more than performers who teach only their own techniques. Hopefully you will see that the teachers you are considering see themselves as a part of a demanding discipline.

 Going A Special Step Further

One way to ensure that your singing teacher is at the top of their teaching game, is to make sure that they not only have solid performance and teaching backgrounds, but that they are a part of a qualified team. These are teachers who have  their own work constantly assessed and where they are always becoming better teachers.

For example, at Singdaptive, teachers can only become a part of the Singdaptive team by being open to continued guidance in their role as a teacher.

There is even more of a benefit: each Singdaptive teacher has to bring into every set of lessons the insights of other singing teachers and specialists so that students learn from more than one teacher. 

This means that every student is learning not only principles of singing known to their teacher – but aspects of singing recognized by singing teachers all over the world.

 Trying Out Singdaptive’s Unique Method

Singdaptive is so confident that its approach is effective, that teens can begin the process even before paying for it – with Singdaptive’s Free Trial. They will be asked to introduce themselves to our team, sing a bit and share their thoughts.  Then, they will receive a personal response right back.

If you want to help them get support on a regular basis, purchase a gift certificate for regular asynchronous singing lessons.

 We think that they will see immediately what a rich, helpful process this is for their learning. 



Hi! I, Sakshi Gupta, is an enthusiast Blogger who loves to write informational piece of contents based on extensive research. Also, I focus on providing valuable information to my readers through my blog To connect with me Mail us at OR Whatsapp at +919717462927.

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